Monday, May 11, 2015

"MaziSheti foundation" a new structure in rural development "Farmers Facility Center"

"MaziSheti foundation" developed a new structure in rural development named "Farmers Facility Center"
with the help of FFC farmers can achive everything at one place. Our network of FFC is upto village level farmers group.
We are firstly concentrate of 'value addition' by skill development training. Always farmers are hard worker but due to lack of technology awareness much of time they get loss in farming.
so our prior motto is information shearing in local language, skill development training, group & bulk farming, increase profit by decrease production cost, guidance in marketing process of farm produce.
For this purpose we are going to lounch trained proffessionals team. our first batch ready to establish FFC network within Maharashtra. on next sunday, 17th May 2015 We'd organised one day workshop for connected professionals, volunteers, institutions etc. Those who are interested to join us in rural development, they are invited to session.